Release version  Version 1.2 - CURRENT
Bug icon Fixed: search problem on CUE load;
Bug icon Fixed: strange menu bugs (vertical line).

Release version  Version 1.1
Remove icon Removed: nag screen from main window;
Add icon Added: Belarusian language;
Add icon Added: Swedish language.

Release version  Version 1.0
Change icon Changed: Porting from Enfis CUE Splitter to Medieval CUE Splitter;
Bug icon Fixed: All minor bugs.

Release version  Version 0.6b13
Add icon Added: Batch processing feature (menu "Tools -> Batch processing...");
Add icon Fixed: All minor bugs.

Release version  Version 0.6b12
Add icon Added: Support for TTA (True-Audio) audio files;
Add icon Added: Support for WV (WavPack) audio files;
Add icon Added: Support for MPC (MusePack) audio files, but with some bugs;
Bug icon Fixed: A small bug into the CUEsheet loader class;
Bug icon Fixed: A small bug in M3U audio file naming;
Bug icon Fixed: A bug into the APEtag loader class.

Release version  Version 0.6b11
Add icon Added: Support for WMA audio files;
Bug icon Fixed: A granule position problem with OGG VORBIS files (when written);
Bug icon Fixed: "Create new" button don't appear in split destination directory dialog.

Release version  Version 0.6b10
Add icon Added: Support for OGG VORBIS audio files;
Add icon Added: You can insert or not 'CUE Splitter' personalized comment on output CUE files;
Add icon Added: You can save automatically generated CUE sheet files to any text encoding.

Release version  Version 0.6b9
Add icon Added: Built-in translating tool (menu Language -> Translate...). Now translate the software should be easier and fast;
Add icon Added: Support of Monkeys audio library for APE files to new DLL version;
Add icon Added: Support of XMCD file format of Freedb;
Bug icon Fixed: Some bugs in "Audio file information..." window;
Bug icon Fixed: Some generical bugs in main window.

Release version  Version 0.6b8
Bug icon Fixed: Hundreds of bugs.

Release version  Version 0.6b7
Add icon Added: "Don't overwrite files, rename it instead" option in configuration window under "File" tab (enabled by default);
Add icon Added: CUE sheet can be partially edited and modified as you wish, you can edit a track or edit the entire disk, check the Edit menu;
Add icon Added: You can now save a modified CUE sheet file, check file menu Save and Save As;
Add icon Added: Hidden track detection limit can be changed: under the configuration window, into the "Miscellaneous" tab (default 20 seconds);
Add icon Added: "Invert gaps" option. When checked, you'll append pregap of current track at the end of the previous track, instead of at the beginning of current;
Bug icon Fixed: Some minor bugs in CUE sheets and graphical interface.

Release version  Version 0.6b6
Add icon Added: Multiple files with gaps (non-compliant) (aka "Append gaps to (end of) previous track" is now supported;
Add icon Added: Now you can automatically generate a new CUE sheet file at the end of split process;
Add icon Added: CUE sheet files can use a file mask to generate its name;
Add icon Added: M3U file mask (as CUE sheet above);
Add icon Added: Default output directory with or without a dialog prompt for validation;
Add icon Added: A completely new file mask tutorial system;
Add icon Added: You can manually check for software update from the help menu;
Change icon Changed: File mask variables was completely changed: please read the help (press F1);
Change icon Changed: Configuration form style;
Bug icon Fixed: Some minor bugs.

Release version  Version 0.6b5
Add icon Added: A completely new CUE sheet parsing class: more powerful and versatile;
Add icon Added: Track lenght is now stored in milliseconds precision format so splitting accuracy is (almost) perfect;
Add icon Added: Hidden tracks in a CUE sheet file are now considered (thanks to VenomHell);
Add icon Added: Sub-indexes in a track can be splitted across several new tracks;
Add icon Added: Splitted files can include or not the pregap sound chunk, using the checkbox nearby the split button;
Add icon Added: A log window for CUE sheet parsing process;
Add icon Added: CUE sheet spanned across multiple audio file is now correctly handled;
Add icon Added: All information given in a CUE sheet file is now displayed;
Bug icon Fixed: Checkbox image for track selection now has an high color contrast;
Bug icon Fixed: CUE Splitter configuration file is now saved into "application data" path instead of "program file" (thanks to Raindog);
Bug icon Fixed: Vendor string in a splitted FLAC file is now correctly mantained from the original one (thanks to Eddy Le***in);
Bug icon Fixed: An ID3v1 tag bug.

Release version  Version 0.6b4
Add icon Added: Complete support for all ANSI codepage, including ISO-2022, Jis, ISCII, etc ... for any installed codepage in the system;
Add icon Added: Improoved UTF8 text file auto-detection without a BOM (Byte Order Mark);
Add icon Added: 'OpenText' dialog now has a preview window for text files: very useful;
Add icon Added: You can manually force a decoding scheme in an 'OpenText' dialog window;
Add icon Added: Now you can drag&drop a CUE file into CUE Splitter from the system shell;
Bug icon Fixed: User interface crash with CUE files without artist and/or title in any track;
Bug icon Fixed: Some bugs in class CTextFileWriter.

Release version  Version 0.6b3
Add icon Added: "Replace spaces with underscores" feature;
Add icon Added: File and Tags capitalization is now handled separately;
Add icon Added: "Check for new versions at startup" option in configuration;
Add icon Added: Split and scan thread can now be terminated;
Add icon Added: Thread priority selection in configuration;
Add icon Added: All previous file access mode (read and write);
Bug icon Fixed: Graphical interface was standardized to default Windows colors to reflect current system color configuration;
Bug icon Fixed: "CueSheet" METADATA of FLAC files, is now supported.

A lot of work has been made in this release, source code was completely reviewed in order to be portable to different operating system and full Unicode support was added.

Release version  Version 0.6b2
Add icon Added: Source code was completely reviewed and improved;
Add icon Added: Clean separation in source code between graphical interface and low level routines;
Add icon Added: Unicode support at 100% in every part of the program, tags included (where applicable);
Bug icon Fixed: APE files are now correctly supported;
Bug icon Fixed: Last frame of FLAC file give an error if total file size is not multiple of 4;
Bug icon Fixed: Genre on FLAC files now is written without its identification number.

Release version  Version 0.6b1
Add icon Added: Version auto-update from Internet;
Add icon Added: Default English language included into the EXE;
Add icon Added: Personal language auto-selected (based on system language);
Add icon Added: "Edit" menu;
Add icon Added: "Close CUE";
Add icon Added: You can now split only selected tracks;
Bug icon Fixed: A bug on CUE parsing routine (thanks to ChocoKiller for suggestion);
Bug icon Fixed: A bit of graphics enhancement;
Bug icon Fixed: When scan or split terminates, main window will be restored.